Free Health Insurance Cost Comparison Tool

Get instant access to this awesome health insurance cost comparison tool for FREE by subscribing to our e-newsletter below! This tool helps you easily determine which health insurance option provides greater financial value for you and your family.

If you need a quick refresher on the fundamentals of health insurance, go check out our articles on how health insurance works and how to choose a health insurance plan in 5 easy steps.

Below are a list of features you’ll have access to with our health insurance cost comparison tool.


Health Plan Comparison Tool Features:

  • Automated summary report with insightful visual analysis & charts to help you make wise decisions
  • Dynamic summary report allows you to easily make changes on the fly and see results immediately
  • Easily input two health plan option’s Premiums, Deductible, Co-Insurance and Out-of-Pocket Max
  • Insert your estimated health care expenditures to determine your ROI and best option
  • Flexibility to add your own custom notes in specific sections
  • Summary report prints on just one page
  • Created using Microsoft Excel 2013

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