Tag Archives: financial independence

Why you may be saving too much money and what to do instead

Why you may be saving too much money and what to do instead

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to build wealth much quicker than others? Or, how retired people are able to draw an income for decades without having to work? Well, it’s not by saving every dollar. It’s by investing your savings. Many people take the advice “you need to save your money” too […]

How to spend your money wisely to achieve financial freedom

How to spend your money wisely to achieve financial freedom

Have you ever received a large amount of money, let’s say from a paycheck, and then realized it was all gone within the blink of an eye? If so, you’re not alone. The world we live in has been designed to get money from your bank account into someone else’s bank account with as little […]

The Difference Between Good and Bad Assets and Debt – How To Use Them To Grow Your Wealth

Learn how to use good and bad assets and debt to grow your wealth

On your path to financial freedom, it’s crucial that you eliminate bad assets and bad debt. If you don’t, then you’ll be on a never-ending cycle of underwater loans and missed financial gains. In this article, you’ll learn how to easily differentiate between good and bad assets and debts. Afterwards, you’ll be able to eliminate […]

The Best Strategies To Make More Money

The Best Strategies To Earn More Money

It’s no secret that we all want more money. Whether it be to give your family a better future or get out of student loan debt, more money always helps. Understanding the best ways to make more money As you know, there are many ways for you to make more money to fulfill your financial […]

How to create a personal budget like a millionaire!

How to create a personal budget like millionaires

According to a recent study of 10,000 millionaires, three things millionaires have in common are they set clear money goals, make a budget and consistently stick to their budgets. In fact, the vast majority of millionaires budget every month and 93% of them stick to the budgets they make. Millionaires have made a habit of […]

Retire early by using these four proven financial levers

Retire Early Using Four Proven Financial Levers

In my last post, I gave you the tools you need to determine how long it will take you to retire early. Then, I summarized four financial levers you could pull to speed up your time to early retirement. Now, I want to dive even deeper into the best financial changes you can make to […]